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Hotjar has acquired PingPong
The day has come, and I have some fantastic news to share. I'm happy to announce a huge milestone for PingPong: we’re joining Hotjar!

UX Research Conferences in 2022
It's a new year, with a new and updated list of conferences! Keep up with changes and developments in the industry. As you start to build your roadmap for the year, we've put together a list of UXR conferences that'll help keep you at the top of your game.
Looking back on 2021
Another year has passed, so it’s time to look back and reflect on how things are going at PingPong.

6 usability tester archetypes and how to handle them
We’ve all met them. The tester who talks too much, too little or too polished. The good news is, even if you can’t change their behaviour, you can tweak yours to effectively manage them.